beat the winter blues: week 1
I don't know about you, but January can feel like it stretches on… and on.. and on… and (you get it).
Did you know we had something like 9 hours of sunlight in Toronto this month… ?! eesh.
One of my nearest and dearest of pals, Sandra, had the great idea for me to share ways we can stay motivated when the weather seems to be working against us. So, I am going to share a weekly blog and email with what I do to keep spirits lifted when the sun is hibernating behind the clouds and getting out of bed is increasingly difficult.
Okay, let’s go!
Entry 1: Get ahead of Spring Cleaning
That’s right, I said it. Cleaning brings me joy, and organizing is the gift that keeps giving.
Usually, January 1st, I kick of the day saging my house, letting fresh air in (even if it is freezing because… Feng Shui), and cleaning every nook and cranny in my apartment. Really, even my storage unit, my closets, and my baseboards got the royal treatment this month. Something about feeling fresh, and starting fresh on January 1st, seems to bring in new energy and a buzz of motivation through my body.
It helps me feel… ready. Ready for the year, the adventures, the highs and lows, and to accept and receive all that should be.
I usually open my windows for at least 5 minutes every day, and with rooms with no windows, I use a fan to circulate air, to usher in fresh air and energy and release old stale air. Since I’ve been doing this, I do feel that this helps the overall feel in my home.
Recent studies have linked excess clutter and mess to depression and anxiety, and during the cold winter months when you are prone to feeling down this connection can be magnified. Oftentimes your exterior surroundings will have a great impact on your mood, which is especially true in your home.
Decluttering is just… cathartic. Truly. Changing your space, de-cluttering your home, and purging your belongings are all great ways to clear your physical space. And your mind.
Also, try using diffusing aromatherapy oils in the home. These are known to have calming and soothing effects, and they keep your home smelling great!
💫 Learn about Feng Shui and invite positive chi into your home this month and season, HERE!
💫 Learn more about saging, HERE!
💫 To buy the same sage kit as me, click HERE or visit the The Rock Store (154 Harbord St, Toronto, ON).
💫 Aromatherapy Diffusers (pet friendly!), HERE!
If you have a pet at home, do your research on aromatherapy oils and scents, some can be toxic to our furry friends!
Also, please note - I DO NOT make any affiliate dollars on my recommendations. I just honestly use these things, or know friends who do, and share them in case they can impact your life in a positive way, as well.
This community has been awesome so far, always sharing recipes and book recommendations via email or social, so if you have any ideas on how to beat these January/Winter blues… send along and I will definitely include them in my next email and blog (crediting you, of course)!