Secrets to a great life

Success comes from the inside out.

A great life isn't something that happens to you. It's not a random occurrence that you can't control. As I mentioned in my last blog post, “You Curated Your Life”, you are in the drivers seat of your life and can curate all of your dreams and desires and make them a reality. It is up to you. But, it certainly does help to have a set of habits and practices  that you can cultivate at any time, no matter where you are in your life or what your circumstances are like. 

Here are some ideas for cultivating those habits:

1. Use a Vision Board

When I taught my “Strategies for Success” course, I spent 2 whole classes goal setting and vision boarding. Why? Because you have to KNOW what you want and SEE what you want and REMIND yourself everyday that it is yours.

What is a vision board?

A vision board is a collection of images that represented your goals. These images should be positive and inspirational, meaningful to you, and visible to you every day - in a place where you can see them often.

Try :

→ Choosing high-quality images

→ Post it notes for sticking motivational quotes, key words, or affirmations

→ Or create multiple boards with different themes ex. Work, romance, wellness, etc.

2. Let Go

It is important to let go of emotions that don’t serve you and (as Tony Robbins would say) “change your state”.

Your emotion are verbs, they’re “doing” & “being”.

How you feel is how you shall be.

Letting go of anger, anxiety and disappointment is essential so you can welcome positive feelings of success, happiness, fulfillment, and gratitude. Having these positive emotions will put in the right alignment and happy energy to receive all that you desire.

And isn’t it better to…. Feel good.
Yes, yes it is. 

Allow yourself that.

The happier you feel, the more people are attracted to your light and energy. With a brighter energy, the more opportunities can flow your way - you are open to receive.


→ A gratitude list to kick off the day reminding yourself of all the things you are so happy and appreciative for in your life.

3. Continual Learning

“Learning is knowledge, and knowledge is power”. 

I don’t know who originally said that quote, but I will credit my mother because it is where I heard it first.

I am never, not taking a course. 

But with continual learning, I don’t just mean picking up a nearby textbook, I mean looking inward. Best thing you can do for yourself is keep learning about all that is you. You are always evolving. Your emotions are a myriad to explore.

Learning is a lifelong process. Whether it is practices that take you inward, or a course you’ve been meaning to take to sharpen a skill, it is very rewarding to keep the wheels moving.

Learning new skills will also keep your brain healthy as you age since it keeps neutrons firing signals through out the day. 



september is here: are you ready?


You Curated your life